Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 17, 2013 at 05:44PM

In the face of a budget crises here in the US, Obama finds in his infinite wisdom to actually propose a .5% raise to all government employees. Really?? I was reading an article the other day, perhaps last week about it, and I am now reminded as Congress battles over whether to increase the debt ceiling, so that we can go further into debt, and spend more money on more things we probably don't need. When is Washington going to start cutting expenses, and stop trying to create more government jobs, just to be able to say, the economy is rebounding... when every government job is that much more of a strain on taxpayers?? Yes, I love a raise as much as the next person, who doesn't?? But that raise was going to cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions every year. How do we get Washington to learn to spend less and not more, and cut the pork bellies and start tightening the fiscal belt, while at the same time, helping loosen and/or create policies that foster an environment of private sector job creation?? Justin Taylor