I watched the opening remarks by VP Biden today on Gun Control. OK, I watched most of it and paid attention to about 2/3 of it. Too be fair, despite many differences in our beliefs and a couple of small parts of what he said. I do have to say, the media is being much less fair to what he actually says. ON both sides of the coin. Extremists either way seem to be having their way. Both the BAN everything groups and the Let's not talk at all groups. Obviously conversation should ensue, but also conversation shouldn't be a distraction from the fiscal crises... nor should it be about what kills people, but in fact should be about prevention in general a change of culture. Most of what VP Biden said was more about asking questions of the religious groups, and talking about the moral aspects of the issue and finding common ground, that does not impede on the second amendment. I can appreciate that. I just hope, they don't go do crazy road and do stupid stuff with their recommendations and I hope they leave it up to Congress and don't even try to use executive privilege. Just down the street from my house here in Oregon, in the Sellwood area, yesterday two men walked around with the so-called 'assault rifles' fully loaded, the same type used in the recent elementary school shooting, on their backs. One of them has a concealed carry permit and had a handgun on his hip too. Very visible. The reason they did this was to raise awareness that just because someone has a gun, doesn't mean they are bad or irresponsible. In fact they are normal regular young guns, exercising their right to carry if they so choose. It sparked a lot of 911 calls, and the police did stop and talk to them, to tell them they had. Of course the police also said, no laws had been broken and there was nothing they could do. The one guy said, if laws are passed preventing owning or buying certain guns, then this would be their one day that they were able to exercise their Constitutional rights. Still watching... what do you think? Justin Taylor