Wednesday, November 07, 2012

November 07, 2012 at 08:36AM

I found this quote to be particularly relevant to recent events: "The next 10 years, the decade from 2010-20120, will prove to be the most exciting decade in history. The next ten years will mark the end of the American Empire. The U.S. dollar will prove to be a fraud, and a whole new world economy will emerge. This borderless world, powered by low-cost technology, will unleash the world's genius and reveal the massive ignorance that ran the old world economy. For those financially educated, prepared, flexible, and adaptable, the next ten years will be the best of times. For those waiting for the happy days of the past to return, the next ten years will be the worst of times." -Robert Kiyosaki Unfair Advantage: The Power of Financial Education Do you agree or disagree, with all or some, is the question and why or why not?? Justin Taylor