Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19, 2013 at 11:16PM

Here's some Irony for ya... The less water you use as a community, as in the better you are at conserving and caring for our water, the MORE they charge for you to get that water. Here in Portland, everyone has been so good at conserving water, that now the reward, is it is costing the Portland Water Bureau too much, so they have to increase rates by another 7.8% and we already have some of the highest rates in the nation. Lesson... don't use as much water as possible, so they can afford to lower the rates... Like so many other things in this day and age in this country, there is No REWARD for those who conserve and save, even when it comes to a natural resource that actually should cost nothing. We should have a right to it, like we have a right to air, so that we can breath. Justin Taylor